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Create user in Microsoft 365

Create user in Microsoft 365

The Microsoft Office 365 Administration Center is a web-based portal administrator. We use this portal to manage accounts and configure services such as Intune, SharePoint, Teams, Exchange, OneDrive, and all office products. In this part, we want to create user in Microsoft 365 with Admin Center.

Users section: create, delete, manage users, set permissions, edit user details, and reset passwords.

Groups section: create, organize, manage, and delete groups

With the Admin role we can login and try to create users. For starting we login to this link.

In the menu we click on User\Active users

Create user in Microsoft 365 Microsoft 365

Create user in Microsoft 365 Microsoft 365
In this part, we need: First Name-Last Name-Display name and Username
Username should be unique and if we had before same username, we get error, last one is Domains, if we have several domains, in this part we can select each one that we want to create user with that.
Create user in Microsoft 365 Microsoft 365
at the end of page, we have three options:
First option: we can create password as we want or create Automatically,
Second option: if we want user change password at the first login, we can select next one,
Third option: and if we want to send password by email, we can select the last one.
Create user in Microsoft 365 Microsoft 365
in next page, we can select location and assign licence:
Microsoft has many licence for many different uses:
Create user in Microsoft 365 Microsoft 365 In this part you can compare all licence and you can buy best product that you need:Create user in Microsoft 365 Microsoft 365
The next page is optional:
If the user that you are creating, you want to assign a role like Admin, you can assign here, or you can assign after, if not you can skip this part.
Create user in Microsoft 365 Microsoft 365 there is some role to assign:Create user in Microsoft 365 Microsoft 365
And last page is Review and finish:
in this page, you can check all information and if was ok you can Finish adding.
Create user in Microsoft 365 Microsoft 365

If you want to see more, you can click here.


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