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Data Structure in Python

FOR in Python

FOR in Python

Data Structure in Python

Data structure in python makes it possible to store and organize data in a very efficient way. Using it, we can link the data together and perform the desired operations on them.
In programming, this process is especially important because it enables us to access and recall data more easily.

There is four general Data Structures in Python:


>>>a = []

for example:

>>>a = [2, 5, 10]             >>>b = [1.2, 5.9, “Hi”, 8]

To recall form List: >>>a [0]      result:  2              >>>a [1]      result:  5

To change in List : >>>a [0]=3           >>>a          result  a[3, 5, 10]

Methods :

for i in a:


Result: 3   5   10

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Different between Dictionary with other Data Structure is, we can make Data with TAG, now you ask what is mean? let’s to see some examples:

>>>a = {}             >>>a = {“Quantiy”: 5, “Price”: 20}

>>>b = {}             >>>b = {0: 5, 1:20}

In the second example, we use Tag 0 for “Quantity” and Tag 1 for “Price”, that’s same as first one.

>>>c = {}          >>>c = {“name”: “XXX”, “family”: “YYY”}

for z,x in c.items():

print(z, ” : “, x)


name : XXX
family : YYY


in this structure, we can make for each element, one Tag, so that’s too easy to save and recall data of this method.

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SET structure is same as DICTIONARY but in SET we dont have TAG. let’s to see some examples:

>>> a = {}         a = {1, 2, 3}

in this structure if we have same number, it will remove by compiler, that’s mean, we dont have repeat in this structure.

>>> a = {1, 4, 2, 5, 1, 6, 2} ==> compiler remove 1, 2 because we have same.

for i in a:


>>1, 2, 3, 5, 6

Methods :

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TUPLE is unchangeable, and when we assign value, we cannot change it after.

in TUPLE, we have access to the element by command for example a = [0], in this command it return value of first element of these data

>>>a = ()                 >>>a = (1, 2, 3, 4)     or           >>> a = 1, 2, 3, 4

as you see TUPLE is same as int, if we want to make TUPLE with one element, we must use comma after it, let’s see

>>> a = (1,)     or     >>>a = 1,

Methods :

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