Do cockatiels need to be in the sun every day?

Cockatiels, like many other birds, benefit from exposure to natural sunlight. Sunlight provides essential vitamins, particularly vitamin D3, which helps in the absorption of calcium and maintains healthy bones. It also helps regulate their circadian rhythm, promoting better sleep and overall well-being.

However, while natural sunlight is beneficial, it’s not necessary for cockatiels to be in direct sunlight every single day. They can get the required UV light exposure through indirect sunlight, supplemented by full-spectrum lighting indoors. Full-spectrum lighting mimics natural sunlight and can be used in their living environment to ensure they receive adequate UV light.

If you’re keeping your cockatiel indoors, consider providing them with access to natural sunlight for a few hours a day, either by placing their cage near a window (ensuring it’s not too drafty or too hot) or by using full-spectrum lighting. This exposure, along with a well-balanced diet, should help maintain their health and well-being. Always monitor your bird’s behavior and health and consult with an avian veterinarian if you have concerns about their sunlight exposure or overall health.

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