Cyber Security and Network Security

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MITRE ATT&CK Network Security


MITRE ATT&CK (Adversarial Tactics, Techniques, and Common Knowledge) is a framework developed by MITRE Corporation, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to solving problems for a safer world. ATT&CK is a knowledge base that categorizes the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) used by adversaries or attackers during cyber intrusions. The framework provides a comprehensive understanding of how cyber adversaries operate by organizing their behaviors into a matrix. This matrix consists of various tactics that represent high-level objectives an attacker may have (such as initial access, execution, persistence, privilege escalation, etc.) and techniques that represent specific methods or actions used to achieve those…
Sample Exams (Type of Attack, Hat) Network Security

Sample Exams (Type of Attack, Hat)

Sample Exams of Cybersecurity In these series we have some “Sample Exams of Cybersecurity”, “Practice Cybersecurity Examinations”, “Cybersecurity Test Previews” and “Mock Cybersecurity Tests”   Type of Attack: 1. Hacktivists: These are individuals or groups who engage in hacking activities to promote a social or political agenda. Their goal is to raise awareness or effect change through their actions. 2. Cybercriminals: Cybercriminals are motivated by financial gain. They may engage in activities like stealing personal information, credit card data, or conducting ransomware attacks to demand money from victims. 3. Nation-State Actors: Governments and state-sponsored groups conduct cyber-espionage and cyber-attacks to…

Network Security

What is Network Security? One of the main topics of computer networks is Network Security. After configuring and deploying the hardware, we must pay special attention to this topic. In this section, we will examine the following: What is computer network security? Wireless networks Firewall What is computer network security? It includes things like software used, data stored, and information theft. Everything that is used in a computer network system (both software and hardware) must be protected against attacks and risks. Three principal factors are needed in the security of a computer network, these three factors (CIA) are the basic…
Sample Exams (McCumber Cube, Cyberwarfare) Network Security

Sample Exams (McCumber Cube, Cyberwarfare)

Sample Exams of Cybersecurity In these series we have some “Sample Exams of Cybersecurity”, “Practice Cybersecurity Examinations”, “Cybersecurity Test Previews” and “Mock Cybersecurity Tests”   McCumber CUBE: This could refer to a cybersecurity risk management framework developed by John McCumber, known as the McCumber Cube. It provides a structured way of understanding and managing security risks within an organization by considering three dimensions: confidentiality, integrity, and availability (often referred to as the CIA triad). McCumber diagram: In software engineering, the McCumber diagram is a graphical representation used to depict various dimensions of security in a system. It can display information…
Sample Exams (Improved Security) Network Security

Sample Exams (Improved Security)

Sample Exams of Cybersecurity In these series we have some “Sample Exams of Cybersecurity”, “Practice Cybersecurity Examinations”, “Cybersecurity Test Previews” and “Mock Cybersecurity Tests” What organizations need to invest in improved security practices? investing in cybersecurity training for all staff so that they are aware of and able to spot a cyber attack enforcing two factor authentication for employees accessing files and applications that contain sensitive data maintaining log files and ongoing monitoring to identify anomalous behavior that might indicate a data breach storing the passwords of customers using a combination of salting and robust hashing algorithms separating cloud-based resources…
Types of Network Security

Types of Network Security

What types of network security do we have? We divide the Types of Network Security into two parts:   Software programs Hardware parts The best choice is to use both (software and hardware) together. Software programs such as Anti-worms, Anti-viruses, Firewalls, etc. Hardware components also include firewalls. It can control and scan the input and output ports. Microsoft has provided this feature for its users in Windows, but this software alone does not provide sufficient computer security. Some examples of strong anti-malware programs are Antivirus, Symantec, Kaspersky, Nod32, Bitdefender, Norton, Panda, Mac For hardware parts, you can mention Cisco ASA…
Sample Exams (Blockchain, U.S. Dep Certification) Network Security

Sample Exams (Blockchain, U.S. Dep Certification)

Sample Exams of Cybersecurity In these series we have some “Sample Exams of Cybersecurity”, “Practice Cybersecurity Examinations”, “Cybersecurity Test Previews” and “Mock Cybersecurity Tests” Which certifications meets the U.S. Department of Defense Directive 8570.01-M requirements, which is important for anyone looking to work in IT security for the federal government? As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, the U.S. Department of Defense Directive 8570.01-M (DoD 8570) established requirements for the certification and training of personnel working in Information Assurance (IA) roles within the Department of Defense (DoD). These requirements were important for anyone looking to work in IT…
Sample Exams (Malware, confidentiality, McCumber Cube) Network Security

Sample Exams (Malware, confidentiality, McCumber Cube)

Sample Exams of Cybersecurity In these series we have some “Sample Exams of Cybersecurity”, “Practice Cybersecurity Examinations”, “Cybersecurity Test Previews” and “Mock Cybersecurity Tests” Which of the following would be classified as personal data? (1,2,3) Social security number Driver license number Date and place of birth Job title IP address   Which one is the confidentiality of information? (3,5,6) Backup Version control Data encryption File permission settings Two-factor authentication Username ID and password   Which one is in the McCumber Cube? (2,4,5) Access Integrity Scalability Availability Confidentiality Intervention   Types of Malware on cyber security Viruses: Viruses are self-replicating programs…