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Network Security



What is Network Security?

One of the main topics of computer networks is Network Security. After configuring and deploying the hardware, we must pay special attention to this topic. In this section, we will examine the following:

What is computer network security?

It includes things like software used, data stored, and information theft. Everything that is used in a computer network system (both software and hardware) must be protected against attacks and risks.

Three principal factors are needed in the security of a computer network, these three factors (CIA) are the basic principles of information-security in information storage and exchange environments.


That is, the information should be available only to those who need it. For example, leaving part of a company’s confidential file


Information should always be available and able to do its job, and there should never be a factor that disrupts the system’s work. For example, if the power goes out and we don’t have a solution for it, this system is not safe.

There are many concepts in the discussion of network security, which can be mentioned as these basic concepts:



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