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Variables in Python

Variables in Programming Language Python The programing languages store data in the form of Variables. Every variable has data type, name, and a value assigned to it. Variables are assigned places in the computer memory to store data in which they can be known or unknown based on the value given to them. Also, they can be used for more than one value. They can tag and store data in memory and we can recall them when we need them. In this section, we want to introduce the most used Variables in Python. In Python, we have four commonly used groups…

Condition IF in Python

Condition IF in Python We use the IF statement in programming to run a group of statements but only when a condition is met. In this section, we want to introduce the syntax and examples of Condition IF in Python. IF is one of the conditional commands that is very widely used in programming and learning it is recommended to everyone. There are three forms of the IF In Python: if if  else if   elif   else elif allows to check multiple statements for TRUE and if one the condition was True then it execute those statements. else: if all conditions…
FOR in Python

FOR in Python

FOR in Python Loops are used for sequential traversal, that’s mean used for repeating variables such as numbers, strings, lists or sets. The loop continues until it is terminated by the variable or by terminating the loop with the Break command. In this section, we want to learn how to use loops. loop in programming languages is an iterative method and is also found in other object-oriented languages. With a loop, we can execute a set of commands, once for each item. Loops in every programming language start with a set of rules, but they may be slightly different in…
WHILE in Python

WHILE in Python

WHILE in Python WHILE loop is especially useful in Python programming, and we use it many times. In the WHILE loop, we start a loop until the condition in the loop becomes True and the loop stops. In this loop, while first evaluates the desired condition, if the condition is correct, the command inside the loop is executed. After that, the condition is reevaluated and this process continues until the desired condition is violated and when the condition becomes False, the loop will stop. Syntax: while condition: statement In WHILE loop, we need a condition to stop loop, if we…
Python Standard Library

Python Standard Library

Python Standard Library With Python Standard Library, we call module code that is ready to use. We cannot use these modules without recall and if we need, we must call them. The Python standard library is very extensive and offers many features. In this library, we see internal modules that are often written in C language. For example, we can access the file input/output system through these modules, without these modules, Python programming will be inaccessible. These modules provide increased programming capabilities. In the installed version of Python in Windows or Mac, usually the entire standard library also install and…
FOR in Python

Data Structure in Python

Data Structure in Python Data structure in python makes it possible to store and organize data in a very efficient way. Using it, we can link the data together and perform the desired operations on them. In programming, this process is especially important because it enables us to access and recall data more easily. There is four general Data Structures in Python: List: ordered, changeable, duplicate members. Dictionary: ordered, changeable, No duplicate members. Set: unordered, unchangeable, unindexed, No duplicate members. Tuples: ordered, unchangeable, duplicate members. LIST:  >>>a = [] for example: >>>a = [2, 5, 10]          …
FOR in Python

Functions in Python

Functions in Python A function in Python is a block of code that performs a specific task and returns a result. Functions help break down a program into smaller, more manageable pieces and make the code easier to read, test, and maintain. Functions define using the def keyword, followed by the name of the function, a set of parentheses, and a colon. The code within the function indent under the definition and execute when the function can call. def func_name (optional_arguments) statement … return optional_value   Arguments: Functions accept arguments, which values pass to the function when it calls and…