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Activate TPM on VMware

Activate TPM on VMware :

In this part we try to activate TPM on VMware, but before that we ask, what is TPM? That’s mean Trusted Platform Module, it is an international standard for secure encryption processors. The function of this microcontroller is to protect the hardware by integrating cryptographic keys. These chips are either integrated into the PC motherboard or added to the CPU. 

Its revised version, version 1.2, was released on March 3, 2011, and the latest version is version 2.0


This technology is used to measure system integrity and generate keys. When booting a system, the load boot code records in this chip. It can also be used to reduce phishing attacks because it prevents the key from copying and use.

What are the advantages of using this technology:

  • Limit generation, storage, and encryption keys
  • Platform device authentication
  • Platform integrity
For Starting we can do these steps:
  • Open VMware and go to Edit virtual machine
  • in the menu virtual Machine Setting in tab Options find advance
  • When you click on Advance in Right menu you have UEFI
  • under that you can find Enable secure boot and you can check mark it

These steps were first setting, now let’s go next setting and next steps

  • Again, go to Edit virtual machine
  • in tab Options find Access Control
  • in Right menu, we have Change Password
  • we can assign a password

These steps were second setting, now let’s go last setting and next steps

  • go to Edit virtual machine
  • At the end of this menu, we have the button Add…
  • when you click on it, you can add Trusted Platform Module
  • when you add, you can see Trusted Platform Is Present

Congratulation you done and you added TPM on VMware for your virtual machine

let’s to see video from our YouTube channel


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