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Port Scanning

What is Port Scanning?

It is an intrusion method that hackers use to find open entrances or network weaknesses. Through this attack, they find open ports in the system and can send or receive information. They can make sure that firewalls are active or inactive by cyber-attack on ports scanning.

They send a packet to a port and in the message that they receive, they can determine whether the port is active or inactive and whether there is a weak point to enter the system or not. Network administrators inform about the vulnerability of the network system in companies and organizations by scanning the ports and take action to secure those ports.

we can use Applications like (Nmap) and Netcat check the security of the network. During port scanning, we can get information about running services, users, unknown intrusions and much more.

With port scanning we can find which ports are open on the network and they can receive or send data. We can also send a special packet to a certain port to identify the vulnerability of that port. Its purpose is to identify IP addresses, hosts, and ports.

After a full network scan, we can enable unauthorized access. IT managers use this process to investigate vulnerabilities and by cybercriminals for sabotage. The scan results can determine the network security levels.

All ports assigned by port numbers, and they range from zero through to 65,536 and ranked in terms of popularity. Ports numbered 0 to 1,023 are called “well-known”, these ports assigned by the IANA. IANA is an Internet Assigned Numbers Authority.

In this part, we try it with Kali Linux:

for this learning we have three virtual machines, and we test with them: Debian, CentOS, Windows

let’s to see video from our YouTube channel


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